Sunday, March 9, 2025
Sunday, March 2, 2025
And I'm drawing again.
...this time with white pastel on black paper. Not that that's new. Take a look at the top of the blog page. Every time I look at that image I know I can't give up this medium. I love it and what I love most is the comic sense. My tiny stint with drawing with wire brought me here. So here is the first piece, an Asian baby elelpant. Isn't he/she adorable. Not all Asian elephants have tusks.
I completed this drawing with white pastel pencil, a monozero eraser and a black pastel pencil on Canson black paper. I was aiming for humor; almost cartoonish, a bit, only a bit, distorted. I think I'm ba
I packed away my wire wrapping tools into my Betty Book lunch box and set it under my drawing table. I can see me making the odd piece when inspired but this is my medium. And I can relay attitude and humor with white pastel on black paper. Nothing to distract. No color getting in the way. No hyperrealism backing me into a corner. All free hand
This is a 9 x 12 inch drawing and it took 50 minutes total including the initial fidgeting. The video is up and running. Just click HERE to watch it.
Thank you.
y.. ck.