Sunday, March 9, 2025
Sunday, March 2, 2025
And I'm drawing again.
...this time with white pastel on black paper. Not that that's new. Take a look at the top of the blog page. Every time I look at that image I know I can't give up this medium. I love it and what I love most is the comic sense. My tiny stint with drawing with wire brought me here. So here is the first piece, an Asian baby elelpant. Isn't he/she adorable. Not all Asian elephants have tusks.
I completed this drawing with white pastel pencil, a monozero eraser and a black pastel pencil on Canson black paper. I was aiming for humor; almost cartoonish, a bit, only a bit, distorted. I think I'm ba
I packed away my wire wrapping tools into my Betty Book lunch box and set it under my drawing table. I can see me making the odd piece when inspired but this is my medium. And I can relay attitude and humor with white pastel on black paper. Nothing to distract. No color getting in the way. No hyperrealism backing me into a corner. All free hand
This is a 9 x 12 inch drawing and it took 50 minutes total including the initial fidgeting. The video is up and running. Just click HERE to watch it.
Thank you.
y.. ck.
Friday, February 28, 2025
An update on wire art...
I bought many thicknesses of wire and a few more tools. I practiced some techniques, realized that my fingers aren't quite nimble enough but some of the tools helped make it easier for me. I found that I wasn't as interested in making jewelry as I was interested in wire sculpture.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
A new avenue
So, as many of us are want to do I asked for guidance about my art. I want to be more creative, more something. I asked this come to me during my sleep. The message came: wire and crystal jewelry design. This was totally unexpected. I am, as you all know a 2d visual artist. I was looking for inspiration in my approach. Surprise!
Well, over 40 years ago I studied jewelry design in college. I learned what I wasn't good at. I kept my tools and they are in perfect working order.
Over the years I've tried beading bracelets and necklaces but was not all that impressed with my work. I've never worked with wire in jewelry making although I did work with it in sculpting class over 40 years ago.
Now I don't expect this to replace drawing. My best guess is that I need a creative avenue of the 3d variety to inspire my 2d art. So I'll be taking a break while I watch more videos on wire art and practice. I have plenty of crystals about and my tools and I purchased three different gauges of wire. I'm set. I will be using pencil and paper to design the jewelry as I learn the methodology of wire and crystal jewelry design so I get to keep my hand in 2d art. I'm looking forward to creating an Ibis with wire. I almost have it worked out in head.
My next post will be an update on jewelry design. See you then.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Freshened up art space
Here it is. Photos of my art space after some reorganizing once again. The five foot long desk is still eating up a log of space but I use it since it is here and ignore it the rest of the time. I still have conainers of media and paper I don't use very often tucked away in the closet but what I need is at an arms length, mostly.
I have my various materials on either side organized and easily accessible.
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Finally, i have the delicate touch i was searching for.